At the 2018 AGM of HPP, held on 4 Dec 2018, an Advisory “HPP Safety & Security Committee”, initiated by property rate payers present, was established. This was to provide that the greater community is represented and ensure more transparency and inclusion of ratepayers in the HPP special rates zone, and could advise the HPP on their matters of concern.

Wednesday, 06 February 2019 13:07

Tourism WCBCF interest in and around Hermanus.

"Hermanus will stay the icon of beauty and class"

We have noted a decline in the tourism numbers for our region during the holiday period of December and January. It is, however, important to remember that the economic climate in South Africa has been part and parcel of the decline, we should also not shy away from the negative actions in our town during the 2018 calendar year who have left scares on our community. The tourism industry in Hermanus and the region has always been one of the key economic contributors to our prosperity. The full effects of the 2018 unrest will only be truly noted if we compare a larger sample of 6 months to a year upon year basis.

The recent spate of unrest, as well as the raging veld fires in the Overstrand, has necessitated greater community involvement in order to strengthen the hand of Law enforcement agencies and Emergency services. The cooperation of the various parties was in many instances hampered by the absence of a nodal centre to where information could be sent to, and from where the necessary resources could be dispatched from. A need for joint planning- and command and control centre was identified by all role players.

The WCBCF attended the Stakeholders meeting on the 18th of February 2019 at the Overstrand Municipal Auditorium.

Premier Helen Zille gave a presentation about the proposed plans for the Schulhoek area which would be similar to the integrated housing development project on the old Conradie Hospital grounds in Cape Town. The development would include an upmarket housing section which will subsidize the rest of the development, a subsidized rental area, RDP housing area, a retail area with parks and a reserve for the milkwoods. The idea is still conceptual and all the affected communities need to 'buy in' to the idea.

22 Februarie 2019 - per epos

Insake: Vergadering 21 Feb 2019 – m.b.t  Hermanus CBD – pyplyn en water-afvoer opgraderings 2019

Baie dankie vir u tyd en deeglike verduideliking, waarmee u die vergadering ingelig het wat die beplanning en toekomstige werke en moontlikhede behels.
Ook die geduld en gewilligheid om ons vrae en insette te hanteer.
Die werk wat u reeds gedoen het in hierdie beplanning dui op u toewyding. Dit word waardeer.

In December 2018 the CCF and HBCF held an amalgamation meeting in a packed Sandbaai hall. The discussion and conclusion to the evening were that a multi-pronged approach should be the way forward to the challenges facing the businesses and the community. The two organisations amalgamated into the newly formed Whale Coast Business and Community Forum – WCBCF or simply referred to as The Forum.

Some of the main goals in 2019 we will be striving for are:

  • An even stronger business and community voice for all – We have already started with the engagement of some other committees and communities in the Overstrand and our aim will be to continue this vigorously to find solutions to joint issues we have as residents and as businesses.
  • Safety is our top priority. To ensure a safe working environment for all, whether you are a business owner or an employee. We intend to engage further with bodies such as HPP to lobby for a larger footprint to cover other areas such as our industrial zones etc. We are aware that some might not see the HPP as effective, but we firmly believe that this is the way forward. The contracting of security personnel to such new zones will also be discussed. We will work hard within the scope of the law to provide businesses with better security.
  • Safety is our top priority. To ensure a safe working environment for all, whether you are a business owner or an employee. We intend to engage further with bodies such as HPP to lobby for a larger footprint to cover other areas such as our industrial zones etc. We are aware that some might not see the HPP as effective, but we firmly believe that this is the way forward. The contracting of security personnel to such new zones will also be discussed. We will work hard within the scope of the law to provide businesses with better security.
  • Strengthening our sectorial clusters. As most of you might be aware of, the town has been divided into clusters, and the first such cluster was established at a CBD meeting on 22 December. A further 4 new clusters will be established during January 2019. The objective is that the cluster committee will provide the WCBCF with issues unique to them. The CBD has already identified a number of issues unique to them, which will receive the relevant attention.
  • Finally – GET INVOLVED – as a committee we would like to call on all our members to turn 2019 into a year of active citizenship. If you’re not an active citizen, you can’t expect change. A committee of 10 can only do so much. We will not send you a request to attend a meeting if it’s not important. We can not allow structures in our town to continue if we are not involved and if you’re not active. We will broadcast all important meetings. We have a membership base of +- 800 and we firmly believe that power is in numbers. Some Rate Payers, HPP AGM and other meetings in the Overstrand has been poorly attended in 2018. This provides the committees of such organisations with a false sense of thinking that they are heading in the correct direction. If nothing happens in your area, and you are not involved in being part of the solution, you have only yourself to blame.

If your not a member and would like to become a member please JOIN NOW

Wednesday, 13 February 2019 06:51

Hermanus CBD Cluster

Short Summary of the CBD Meeting Held

The Whale Coast Business and Community Forum with close to 800 members from the amalgamation of the CCF and HBCF held a meeting in the CBD to establish its first of many to follow Clusters.

The CBD and the composition of our town have many sectors and we understand that not all suburbs or industrial areas have the same issues. Thus we will establish a number of Clusters within our structure.  During the CBD Cluster meeting, it was established that three issues need urgent attention.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019 06:49

Business Clusters

Due to the geographic diversity with in Hermanus of our members we have created clusters for each of our towns business hubs – the current clusters are:

CBD Cluster

Old Industrial Cluster

New Industrial Cluster

Community Cluster

Wednesday, 20 March 2019 06:46

About Whale Coast Business & Community Forum

Mission – Vision, and Values of the Whale Coast Business and Community Forum


Uphold the mission of the WCBCF by cultivating an environment in which diversity is united and law abiding and taxpaying citizens are rightfully supported by the governmental organisations which is intended and established to serve their community.

Supporting our community to sustain a positive environment that ensures safety, equality, peace and justice.


The WCBCF is dedicated to promote the interests of the community where there is a need and does so within the realms of the law.

Maintaining a safe and secure living, and working environment in partnership with those it serves.

Promoting individual responsibility and cooperative commitment within the community.


  • Valuing Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Promoting cohesion within the community and businesses alike
  • A non profit organisation that serves the community.
  • Working together with all structures sharing the same interests and outcomes as stipulated.

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